World School IB


Extended Essay

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The Extended Essay is an in-depth study of a limited topic within a subject. Its purpose is to provide the candidate with an opportunity to engage in independent research. Emphasis is placed on the process of engaging in personal research, the communication of ideas, and presenting information in a logical and coherent manner not to exceed 4,000 words. The overall presentation of the Extended Essay is evaluated within a clearly defined set of guidelines. Only those students who are pursuing the full diploma write an Extended Essay.  

Students are encouraged to choose a topic of personal interest and relevance. Each student will work closely with a faculty supervisor or mentor who has qualifications in the essay subject area. The supervisor will provide guidance in the process of topic selection, research options, and presentation format. 

Extended Essay is supported in the TOK course.  Tasks are assigned to help students investigate areas they are interested in researching, conduct the research, and ultimately start to write the document.  These deadlines start during October of the junior year and run through March of the senior year.   While a more specific timeline can be found in the SMNW EE Guide posted below, exact deadlines are published each year and can be found in the Important Dates document.  

Extended Essay titles include such past works as:

  • The Physics of a Curve Ball: An Exploration into the Realm of Fluid Dynamics; The Movement of a Curve Ball as a Function of its Velocity.
  • What is the Role of Nitrogen Dioxide as an Ambient Air Pollutant?
  • The Myth of the Vampire and its Influence in Literature and Film.
  • The Threepenny Opera : Bertolt Brecht's Tool to Analyze the Conditions of the Weimar Republic.
  • The Emergence, Near Destruction, and Rebirth of the Male Ballet Danseur.
  • Self-Love or Self-Abdication: An Analysis of the Myth of Altruism.
  • The Effectiveness of the United Nations in Ending Genocide with Specific Reference to Cambodia and Bosnia-Herzegovina.
  • The Role of Literature in Jane Austen's Fictional World.
  • To What Extent Does the Issue of Water Affect the Peace Process between the Israelis and Palestinians?

Scoring of the Extended Essay

Extended Essays are sent to IB where they are sent out to readers around the world to be marked.  Scores, which range from A (excellent) to E (Elementary), are based on a standard mark scheme.  All students pursuing the IB Diploma must pass the Extended Essay.